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DataFlex Reports 2023 released - download now!

April 12, 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of DataFlex Reports 2023/8.2 - the reporting tool of choice for developers to create a diverse range of reports, lists, tables and charts.

DataFlex Reports 2023/8.2 is a service release that includes a number of new features and enhancements as well as bug fixes. DataFlex Reports 2023/8.2 works with DataFlex 2022. After the release of DataFlex 2023 there will be a DataFlex Reports version compatible with DataFlex 2023.

Check out What’s new in DataFlex Reports 2023.

A few highlighted new features:

  • Justified text - The horizontal alignment of text strings has been extended with a justify option. The choice in the common options for an object is now: left, centered, right and justify. With the justified option space is added between words so the edges of the line are aligned with both margins.
  • Enumerate and replace existing page layers in a report - This new feature makes it easier to use a customized page layer in a report. Prior to DataFlex Reports 2023/8.2 page layers had to be added to the report layout at design time and report files needed to be distributed. Now it is possible to design a report with a page layer and replace them at runtime with a customized version for a specific customer/situation.

Why DataFlex Reports?

  • Individual or corporate users, and managers alike, all can benefit from the power of reporting with DataFlex Reports
  • Information needs to be available anytime, anywhere and DataFlex Reports can be brought to you on web, Windows and mobile devices
  • DataFlex Reports is a versatile and comprehensive tool for delivering reports to support business operations. Learn more


Download DataFlex Reports 2023


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