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MySQL & DataFlex

July 12, 2019

A 2018 Stack Overflow survey reported that MySQL and the compatible MariaDB and AWS Aurora, accounted for an amazing 77% of the database market. With this level of popularity and to offer developers more economical, high-performance database alternatives, MySQL is now on the list of SQL servers supported in DataFlex 2019/19.1. This presentation’s first segment will introduce MySQL and compatibles and their cloud options. The second segment will include a MySQL demonstration using familiar DataFlex sample applications, describe our testing methodologies and performance test results including a Microsoft SQL comparison and conclude with recommendations, tips and advice for using MySQL successfully with DataFlex web and Windows applications.

This presentation was recorded during Synergy 2019, click on the image below to watch the presentation of Chip and Marcia in the Learning Center.

2019-07-09 DFLC SYNERGY MySQL and More for DataFlex OG