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New Release: DataFlex DataPump now supports PostgreSQL

May 24, 2023

DataFlex DataPump now supports PostgreSQL as a target database! PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database that offers more complex data types. 

Other new features in the latest DataFlex DataPump 20.1 version are:

  • Additional Connection string options configuration option available
  • SQL Schema name support added
  • DataPump Studio and conversion task now run as 64 bit process using DataFlex 22.0
  • Support for Unicode columns in backend
  • Installs a DataFlex Client License when no Studio or Server is found, client solely to be used for DataPump
  • New SMTP client with modern options for sending mails
  • Temp folders now configurable
  • Allow multiple data folders as source folders, good for environments with shared tables
  • Selection of tables to convert added to the full product

Why DataFlex DataPump?

DataFlex applications can run on all popular database servers nowadays, including SQL Servers. Having a back-end in an SQL database offers many benefits like performance increase, enhanced security, scalability and accessibility.

DataFlex DataPump is the tool to routinely migrate embedded DataFlex data to Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL. DataFlex DataPump is designed to provide optimimum performance. Easily schedule to refresh the data every day, or as frequently as needed. Read more about the advantages of DataFlex Datapump here.

Purchase DataFlex DataPump

  • Purchase DataFlex DataPump here
  • If you already have a subscription you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to upgrade
  • Want to try DataFlex DataPump first? Try the evaluation mode for 60 days with 10 tables

2023-05-15 DataFlex DataPump