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New sample DataFlex 2021 WebApp: Plato

December 16, 2020

Plato is the new sample application that comes with DataFlex 2021. The goal of Plato is to provide a fully functional DataFlex program environment where developers can learn web development. Expect the following features:

  • Based on MS SQL Server, instance, demo data, embedded SQL samples code
  • Security, password encryption, login-, password and credential management
  • DataFlex Reports, RDS, hyperlinking in reports, embedded SQL
  • Email notifications
  • File uploading
  • Simple, but complete application flow from proposal, production, invoicing to shipping

What is Plato?

Plato is an order handling system for a fictitious chrome plating shop. The employees of the shop operate Plato. They use it to enter orders and process them through the different stages of production and delivery. During the process, emails are sent to the customer with proposals, order confirmations and invoices.

Plato is not designed to be a fully functional, real life system. It is an example application that illustrates various designs and techniques, with special emphasis on the use of an SQL Server backend. See this document ’Understanding and Using Plato’ for more information!

Note: Plato works with DataFlex 2021 Beta 3 and the upcoming new releases.

Download Plato Here

2020-12-15 Plato