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The Release Candidate build of DataFlex 2025 is now feature complete and ready for final developer testing and previewing of all the new features this latest version offers!...
Read moreThe match has ended and the USA is the winner of the FIFA Womens World Cup. Congratulations! With the end result of 2-0 the winners of the Football pool are known as well!
Only a few people had the right predictions:
Mark Lamerton
Felipe Silva
Marques Filho Manoel
Edu Zubillaga
Angel Lee Rubio
Hans van de Laar
Herman Velthuys
Milan van Minnen
Nicole Strijker
For every region theres a winner, the winners are:
Asia Pacific: Mark Lamerton
The Americas: Felipe Silva
EMEA: Herman Velthuys
Congratulations! We will e-mail you about your prize!
We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!
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