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DataFlex Purchase



DataFlex Studio is essential for developing applications in DataFlex. For non-commercial use, you can use a free DataFlex Studio with a DataFlex Personal license. For commercial use, purchase a commercial DataFlex Studio license.

Additionally, when developing commercial applications, each end-user must have a Web, Windows, or Server Deployment license. Below are the available options.

Of course, we are happy to help you determine the best option for you!

DataFlex Studio is a comprehensive toolkit for developing web, mobile, and Windows applications and web services. It includes development tools, a language, compiler, application framework, component library, database utilities, Connectivity Kits, and documentation.

Each developer using DataFlex Studio needs a license. For non-commercial applications, this can be done using a free DataFlex Studio with a DataFlex Personal license. For commercial applications, a Commercial DataFlex Studio license is required.

Description Price
Commercial DataFlex Studio license € 500 - Per user
Annual Subscription Renewal Commercial DataFlex Studio license € 350 - Per user
DataFlex Personal Studio license  Free

Commercial DataFlex Studio licenses include:

  • The first year’s Annual Subscription
  • A 3-User DataFlex Windows Client with Connectivity Kits for internal development, testing, and production use within the licensee’s company.
  • A distributable Evaluation DataFlex Windows Client for commercial software developers to freely distribute trial copies of their application products.
  • A DataFlex WebApp Server for development and testing use only. Production use of the included DataFlex WebApp Server is not licensed.
  • A sub-license to use and deploy Codejock Software’s Grid Control (was: Xtreme ReportControl™), Xtreme CommandBars™, and Xtreme SkinFramework™ ActiveX controls with DataFlex Windows applications.
  • The DataFlex Windows Client with Connectivity Kit License included with Studio can only be used by the person or company that purchases the DataFlex Studio license. Additional Windows Client licenses must be purchased for additional internal users, deployment on multiple servers or locations and for distribution to third party application customers.  

The DataFlex WebApp Server powers dynamic, fast, secure, web and mobile database applications and web services running on Microsoft Windows Server platforms.

A DataFlex WebApp Server includes the web application execution engine, various utilities, the embedded database, and DataFlex Connectivity Kits. A DataFlex WebApp Server license is required for each server operating system instance on which the software is installed.

Since the design and function of web applications and the profile of those that use them varies so widely, different forms of deployment license are offered for the DataFlex WebApp Server:  

DataFlex Web Client License

A Web Client License entitles a Named End User to use the resources of a DataFlex WebApp Server. The first year the annual subscription is included in the license.

Description Price
5-Users € 550
10-Users € 995
20-Users € 1.800
50-Users € 4.100
100-Users € 7.500
More than 100-Users Contact us
Annual Subscription 25% of license retail price

DataFlex Application License 

This option is suitable for web applications without known or managed users, as there are no restrictions or requirements regarding user identity. Running additional web applications on the same server instance, an additional fee applies for each extra application.

License per Server Instance Price
1 Application € 2.500
2 Applications € 3.250
3 Applications € 4.000
4 Applications € 4.750
5 Applications € 5.500
6 Applications € 6.250
7 Applications € 7.000
8 Applications € 7.750
9 Applications € 8.500
10 Applications € 9250
Additional apps + € 500 per add. App.
Subscription Renewal 25% of License Retail Price

Software as a Service (Saas)

SaaS is when a company purchases a license and subsequently allows other companies/users to use the license. SaaS business solutions cannot be deployed using the standard Web Application Licensing – different SaaS licensing arrangements are available. If you are interested in a SaaS license, we are ready to assist you further.

DataFlex WebApp ’SPLF’ Load Balancer Server

“SPLF” stands for Security, Performance, Load Balancing and Failover. This special server is used as a collaborator that provides services and resources to one or more DataFlex WebApp Servers executing applications.

The SPLF Server is the HTTP interface for mobile and browser based DataFlex applications’ request processing. It intercepts users’ HTTP requests and directs them to one or more connected application servers or server instances. The application server(s) return processed requests through the SPLF server.

A DataFlex Load Balancer installation on a stand-alone server instance is required for use with SPLF enabled Web Clients or counted Application Server License. A Load Balancer can be added to existing Web Application Counted License or Web Client License.

Description Price
Load Balancer for Application Servers – per connected server € 750
Load Balancer for Web Clients – per connected server € 750
Load Balancer Subscription Renewal – per connected server € 187,50

Standby DataFlex WebApp Servers

Standby servers provide a pre-configured secondary server instance (all software installed, ready to activate for production use) in the event of the failure of a primary production server. As a discounted, special purpose server, the secondary standby and the primary server must never operate concurrently (production server stops; standby server automatically takes over)

 Two types of Standby Server Licenses are available:

  • Hot Standby Server – A Hot Standby Server is an up-and-running secondary server instance that is automatically activated by third party software upon the failure of a primary server instance. Price: 50% of the price of the server license that the Hot Standby Server will replace.
  • Cold Standby Server – A Cold Standby Server is a configured but non-running secondary server instance that is manually started upon the failure of a primary server instance. Price: 25% of the price of the server license that the Cold Standby Server will replace. 


Where both Windows Clients and Web Clients will be required for the same Named End Users, a single “Combo” license provides entitlement to use both Windows and Web applications for a single price. Combo licenses are Named End User licenses. The first year the annual subscription is included in the license.

Description Price
5-Users € 750
10-Users € 1.250
20-Users € 2.200
50-Users € 5.000
100-Users € 9.500
More than 100-Users Contact us
Windows Component – Subscription Renewal 25% of License Retail Price
Web Component – Subscription Renewal 25% of License Retail Price


The DataFlex Windows Client executes desktop application software developed with the DataFlex Studio. Windows Clients include the application execution engine, utilities, DataFlex embedded database and Connectivity Kits. A Windows Client License is required for each user of a DataFlex application in standalone or local area networked configurations. The first year the annual subscription is included in the license. 

Description Price
3-Users € 225
5-Users € 550
10-Users € 995
20-Users € 1.750
50-Users € 4.000
100-Users € 7.000
More than 100-Users Contact us
Client Engines, Subscription Renewals 25% of License Retail Price


Find a partner in your region to order your license . Or order directly with us at and we will process your order via one of our partners.